Protecting your school’s campus—and the people who belong there—is
more critical than ever.

Can you accurately track your students?
Can you effectively control who comes and goes?

Open Tech Services has partnered with Zebra Technologies to deliver an effective, affordable, and proven ID badge solution. Our fully customizable People Track SM (Student Management software, the TC55 Bluetooth scanner, and the Zebra ZXP Series 3 card printer provide everything you need to produce secure ID badges and manage access control at your school.

Experience the value of the Open Tech solution. Take advantage of a 20-DAY FREE TRIAL, with the program’s full functionality.

Open Tech has been successfully deployed in 15,000 school districts, 95,000 public schools, and 26,000 private schools nationwide.

“I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this solution to any school that wants to improve safety, security, and student accountability.”
- Mark Place, Chief Information Officer, City School District of Albany, NY

Create a safer, more secure campus for your students, faculty, and staff.

Contact Chris Higgins (207-409-7172) at OpenTech Services today to learn more about our total ID badge solution.

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